The Man Who Didn’t Call by Rosie Walsh
I may be slightly biased about this book, having met Rosie Walsh and her being a fellow alumna from the University of Birmingham English department, but I really enjoyed this book and was very impressed. I would call it a romantic mystery novel and it really did keep me guessing. I therefore don’t want to say too much as this is a book I could really spoil for a first-time reader! All I’ll say is that Sarah, the central character, has fallen head-over-heels in love with Eddie, and he seems to feel the same way. But then he is gone. Disappeared. Leaving Sarah to wonder, question, rage, doubt, obsess, despair, sob, and basically drive herself crazy trying to figure out what on earth happened. Sarah is a well-drawn realistic character and the whole plot is very plausible whilst at the same time being interesting and compelling. I was gripped pretty much from the start. I found it easy to read and the characters very engaging, b...