
Showing posts from October, 2020

My Sister, the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite

  Although I had heard of this book, I as usual avoided finding out too much about it, so when I chanced upon it in the ‘recent returns’ section of my local library I did not know what to expect.  I was hooked immediately and devoured it in two days.  It is not a long book and is very fast paced and easy to read.  This is helped by the short chapters, with one word titles reflecting the key theme or element of the chapter.   The central character, Korede, speaks to the reader in a frank, matter-of-fact, straight forward manner which is refreshing and also humorous.  Given the subject matter, which is revealed in the title, you could anticipate a deeper, darker, more psychological tenor to the narrative, but the deadpan style and avoidance of gratuitous gory detail suits the story perfectly.  This is a different kind of crime fiction.   This is also a different kind of African fiction, something the author explicitly states and supports in intervie...