The Colour of Bee Larkham’s Murder by Sarah J Harris

Having recommended this to my book club I have just read it for the second time, and despite knowing what happens I really enjoyed revisiting it. It is a very unusual murder mystery novel told from the perspective of Jasper, a 13 year old boy who has autism, synaesthesia and prosopagnosia, or face blindness. Not the ideal witness to a murder, you can hear the police thinking! It has been likened to The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time , a book I also really enjoyed, and I can see why, but I still regard The Colour of Bee Larkham’s Murder as a very unique novel. At the start of the book Harris defines synaesthesia for readers not familiar with it. Synaesthesia is a relatively rare condition, where the stimulation of one sense affects another sense. In Jasper’s case, when he hears sounds he sees colours. I had actually come across synaesthesia before, as my husband has it, albeit in a much milder form than Jasper, but I ima...